Clicking on the wrench will let you add the custom text and you can decide it you want it added to the beginning or end of each item on the list. Using the "Add Custom Text" button will allow you to add anything you want to each entry on the list. If you need to add something to each entry on your list, this can take a significant amount of time, especially if the list happens to be long. If you want Roman numerals, capital letters, or small letters, you can click the wrench to choose one of these or customize to your liking. If this is the case, you can press this button and it will automatically number your entire list. Once you have your list in the order that best fits your needs, you may want to add numbers, letters or some other preface to it. This will allow the list to be properly alphabetized. If you have a list that happens to include HTML tags as part of it, you can use the Remove HTML button to strip all of the HTML tags from the list. Pressing this button will place the HTML tags on your list so it will show up as bullet points in your article. If you are making a list for a blog post or to post online, you may want bullet points in front of each item on the list. The randomize button will do this for you. Sometimes you want to change the order of the list you have, but don't want it to be in a specific order. Choosing this button will give you a reverse alphabetized list. There may be a time when you want your list to be alphabetized from "z to a" instead of from a to z. Using this button will make sure that any duplicate content within the list will be removed. For example, if you have a long email list, you may be worried your list may have duplicate emails, and you don't want to send the same information out twice. It's common for lists to accidentally have the same information input twice. This option will arrange so the new list is alphabetized by the last name without you having to put the last name first. If you have a list of names you need to have arranged in alphabetical order, you probably don't want that done by the first name.

You can follow the directions to mark each category and the tool will separately alphabetize the information under each category for your convenience.

If you have several lists under different categories, you don't have to input each list separately to alphabetize each of them. It does exactly what it says it will do - put your list into alphabetical order. Below are some of the tool's feature options that are available: Alphabetize You will have your list alphabetized within seconds saving your time and headaches. Step 3: Choose the appropriate button on the left side for the type of alphabetizing function you want to have performed on your list. Step 2: Input your list into the text area. Step 1: Choose the type of list you have: a new line for each list item, a comma in between each list item or a space between each list item. The good news is you can now alphabetize your list (in a variety of ways) in just a few seconds with the WordCounter Alphabetize Tool. It's never fun to think about all the work it's going to take when you have a long list you need to alphabetize.