Move and dance more with your hips, find some form of creative expression Most importantly during the day drink water. Meditate on the fluidity inside of you, visualise cleansing waves going through the body. Then press the knuckles of the middle and index fingers together wrapping them around your thumbs or keep them separate. Tuck your thumbs inside your palms, inside of your index and middle finger. With your hands in front of your chest, press your baby fingertips together and ring fingertips together. It means ‘I bow to the creative energy of the Infinite: I bow to the Divine Channel of Wisdom’. You can chant or recite ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO from the Kundalini tradition. By chanting VAM like you would OM, but more continuously, works on the same vibrational frequency. Orange is the colour for this chakra, so use it in during your relaxation or meditation. It’s wonderfully easy to work on your chakras and there are many things you can do on and off the mat. Do you have reproductive or menstrual issues?.Are you able to respond to changing situations with flexibility?.Is there an open sensation in your lower back and sacral area, or is there tightness and gripping?.
#Ong namo guru dev namo yoga journal free#

Some people say it is the seat of our emotions and in my experience that is definitely true – for others it’s the heart. This energy centre relates to fun, freedom, creativity, flexibility, sex, pleasure and money. The sacral chakra governs the water element inside of you, all that is fluid.

However, the energy here is different from that of the root chakra. In Sanskrit, Svadhisthana is often translated as dwelling in a place of the self and it is closely related to the root centre. At the height of the lower abdomen you can visualise the second chakra radiating out forwards and backwards from that center in a cone-like shape. Imagine a straight line from the crown to the perineum going straight through the centre of the body. You can locate this chakra in the lower abdomen (a couple of fingers beneath the belly button) but you may like to visualise it in the centre, rather than at the front of the body. As we journey through the body in this series, it’s time to talk about the second chakra – the sacral or Svadhisthana chakra.